You can’t hide from me any longer.

Christopher was even more stunned, his mind abuzz with a flurry of thoughts and unanswered questions.

Did she mean that she had not come to the room on her own? What had occurred to her the night before? Did someone drug her as well?

Christopher could feel the air becoming thicker. He was feeling suffocated.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

Vivian sighed and plopped on the sofa, pressing her brow. "Yeah… My head is heavy. I'm not sure what was in the drink at the party. I felt so sleepy after drinking it."

She recounted how she fell asleep on the sofa at the banquet hall.

"And I found myself on my bed when I woke up," she added. "I have no idea how I got here. Thank you for bringing me back safely. And I'm sorry for troubling you."

She tried to smile a little, with a guilty look on her face. She had gone to the party with the hope of helping him find Abigail, but she passed out, adding to his distress.