You still love him.

Sebastian walked down the steps leisurely, his posture exuding an air of quiet confidence. He regarded Abigail with an enigmatic calmness, seemingly undisturbed by her fiery outburst.

His eyes met hers as he walked past her, his presence casting a subtle shadow over her. He settled onto the plush sofa, his gaze falling on the envelope in Abigail's hand.

"What is that?" he asked. His measured and composed voice broke the tension that hung in the air.

He pretended to be unaware of the contents of the envelope. His poker face was flawless, and his innocence was masterfully maintained.

Abigail felt a surge of frustration rise within her, her brows furrowing with indignation. How could he pretend to be oblivious when it was his own acts that had sparked her rage?

She shook her head.