Are you aware that Christopher is also there?

When Christopher woke up, he couldn't find Abigail in the bedroom. His heart raced as he frantically searched the room, his eyes darting from corner to corner, desperate to catch a glimpse of her. Panic welled up within him at the prospect that she had run away once again and disappeared.

How could she have vanished so abruptly after the intimacy they had shared? His thoughts raced, spinning webs of doubt and suspicion. Was she playing games with him? Was this some sort of twisted test to gauge his devotion?

He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, his wandering gaze falling on a note on the side table, pressed down by a glass of lime juice.

He immediately picked up the note, his eyes scanning its contents.

'Do not repeat what you did last night and endanger your safety. Understood? Drink the juice and leave.'

A devious smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, igniting a spark of excitement within him.