Is controlling someone referred to as love?

Abigail turned to Christopher and glared at him, her hands fisting tightly.

Christopher was perplexed as to why she looked so angry. He wondered if she was sad that Lance had left. His mouth formed a sneer as he asked, "Are you upset? Does Lance matter to you this much?"

Abigail's anger intensified at Christopher's words, her eyes flashing with a mix of frustration and hurt. She couldn't believe the audacity of his accusations, his insinuations cut deep into her emotions.

"How dare you say such things?" she responded, her voice quivering with rage and despair. "You know nothing about my feelings or my intentions. Don't twist things into something they are not! Why are you here?"

Christopher smirked and said, "It is strange that you are asking this question. You slept with me last night and enjoyed every intimate moment with me. Who was moaning under me?"