Where is Christopher?

Benjamin was somewhat tense when he sensed Christopher had not arrived yet. A sense of unease settled over him, overshadowing his previous confidence in their successful escape plan.

The jet was ready, but Christopher and Abigail had not come yet. Why are they taking so long? Christopher had checked into a hotel close to the airport and expected to arrive in less than 15 minutes. But half an hour had passed, and there was still no sign of them.

When he couldn't reach his phone, he grew anxious. He dialed Abigail's number and found it switched off. Panic gripped his heart.

The realization hit Benjamin like a cold gust of wind. They had underestimated Sebastian's spies. Rather than successfully deceiving them, Christopher and Abigail had unknowingly fallen into their trap.

The spies had been relentless in their pursuit, patiently tailing them and waiting for the opportune moment to strike.