The chaos

Sebastian wanted to leave because he knew how dangerous it was to be here. He had not launched such a big and risky attack in his enemy's den in the past decade. He was well aware of the dangers involved. Either he would annihilate the entire gang, or he would perish here with his men.

Sebastian's eyes flashed with concern and turmoil. He was caught between wanting to protect his daughters and knowing the dangers that awaited them in this perilous setting. His instincts told him to prioritize their safety and flee as quickly as possible, but Abigail's persistent persistence tugged at his heartstrings.

"All right. Let's go and find him."

Reluctantly, he conceded to Abigail's wishes, understanding the depth of her love and her need to ensure Christopher's well-being.

They moved together, stepping cautiously through the remnants of destruction. The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, and the very air was tinged with a sense of impending doom.