Conflicting feelings

A few days later…

They finally arrived home. Abigail was already tired, but the jetlag made her feel even worse. She made her way toward her bedroom, her steps slow and deliberate. The weight of exhaustion settled upon her, dragging her towards the comfort of the bed without bothering to change her clothes.

Meanwhile, Christopher received a phone call from his father, who asked him to go to the mansion immediately. He readily agreed as he wanted to avoid any conversation with Abigail.

He hurriedly took a shower and got dressed. Emerging from the closet, he caught sight of Abigail approaching him.

"Are you going out?" she asked, surprised. She was wondering where he was going.

"Yes… Dad wants to talk to me."

"Oh…" Abigail nodded, realizing everyone in the family must be curious about Britney. She pulled a smile on her face and gently put her hand on his chest. "Come early. I will cook for you."