The damaging power of misunderstandings.

After dropping Christopher off at his place, Brad drove to the hospital. The car glided through the quiet streets, the soft hum of the engine breaking the silence of the night.

He was solemn, his mind recalling Christopher's words. He couldn't shake off the worry for his friend and the state of his relationship with Abigail. The doubts and suspicions he had witnessed in Christopher's eyes lingered, which was not at all good for a healthy relationship. Misunderstandings and doubts could ruin a relationship completely.

Brad had personally witnessed the damaging power of misunderstandings and a lack of communication in his own relationship with Anastasia.

Despite their feelings for one another, he and Anastasia never approached each other. They were fortunate to have had the opportunity to communicate with one another and share their feelings. It was silly, but the misunderstanding and lack of communication had caused them the most harm.