New opportunity

Christopher kept staring at her, the familiar floral scent entrancing him. He relished the electric sensation her fingers sent when they gently brushed against his chest while stitching.

He hoped he could wrap his arms around her and never leave her again. But he also expected her to be honest with him. He thought he would talk to her. Just then, he saw her lowering her head and cutting the thread with her teeth.

His heart skipped a beat. He held his breath, all his thoughts evaporating. Adrenaline shot up, and his feral desire rose. He grabbed her arms and pinned her against the wall, kissing her hungrily. He wanted to tell her that she couldn't be thinking about another man while still married to him. He wanted to show her with his kiss that she could not keep anything from him.

"It's done…" Her soft voice jolted him out of his trance.