You are crazy.

Abigail gasped, stunned, her fingers on her lips. It was only at this point that it dawned on her how Christopher had learned about her meeting with that man. It turned out that someone was following her covertly.

As the realization sank in, Abigail's worry intensified. She couldn't bear the thought of Christopher being in danger because of her past. She knew that their enemies were relentless and would stop at nothing to hurt them. The fear of someone lurking outside their house, waiting to attack, sent shivers down her spine.

"There are moles in the gang," Jasper explained. "They are leaking information to the enemy. I am on a mission to eliminate the cheaters among us. I'd like you to be careful."

Abigail nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The presence of moles within the gang meant that they couldn't trust anyone completely. Their enemies had eyes and ears everywhere, and every move they made could be compromised.