One kiss

Christopher was ecstatic after getting Abigail's call and arrived home early. Although he was concerned about the unknown man, he attempted to appear calm so as not to alarm Abigail.

He entered the house in a happy mood. He found Abigail getting ready. She was struggling to zip up her dress. Her fingers kept slipping away from the tiny metal tab, and she looked frustrated.

Seeing her in this state, Christopher couldn't help but smile. He walked over to her, his heart brimming with affection for his wife.

"Do you need some help?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

"Yes… Help me zip up the dress." She pouted.

As he approached her, he couldn't resist teasing her a little. He brushed his fingers against her bare back, sending a shiver down her spine. "Are you seducing me?" he quipped with a playful smirk.