The surprise

Abigail's heart pounded loudly, and her mind raced with fear and worry. The silence around her was oppressive, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something dreadful had occurred. She desperately clung to Christopher's hand, not wanting to let him go even for a moment.

"Christopher," she whispered, tugging at his hand. Her eyes darted around the dark room. "Something is not right."

"Relax," he whispered back. "I will go and check."

He attempted to walk away, but Abigail drew him back, refusing to let go of his hand. She felt a rush of terror, not wanting to be alone in the dark, afraid of what may be lurking in the shadows.

"No… Don't go anywhere. I am scared." Her heart was pounding in her chest. She wished she could turn around and flee, but she was worried about the family members too.

"Nothing will happen to you. I am right here," Christopher assured her. "I will just go and turn on the light. Stay here, okay."