Uncontrolled desire

Christopher's response was instantaneous. He leaned in, his lips grazing hers, his tongue exploring her mouth with a tender intensity. Abigail melted into his embrace, returning the kiss with equal fervor.

Their bodies pressed together, and their hearts raced with excitement. His hands roamed her body, exploring every contour, every curve, his fingers lingering on the sensitive skin of her shoulders, her waist, and her hips. Her fingers danced across his chest, tracing the lines of muscle and sinew, her nails scratching lightly, sending shivers down his spine.

Their lips were still locked in a deep, intense kiss, their tongues probing and exploring, and their breathing rapid and shallow.

Abigail's hair cascaded down her back like a river of gold, her eyes closed, and her face contorted in a mixture of pleasure and longing.

Christopher's eyes were open, his gaze fixed on her, his pupils dilated with desire, and his jaw clenched tight with control.