Nothing is more important to me than you.

Christopher tried to ignore the nagging thought, reminding himself that he shouldn't make assumptions without evidence. But the sight of her standing there, seemingly disturbed by the news, made him uneasy.

Breaking the tense silence, he forced a smile and spoke, attempting to push aside the lingering doubts. "You're awake," he said gently.

"Yes, um…" Abigail's response was slightly hesitant, her words stumbling over each other. "I have been looking for you. When I didn't find you in the bedroom, I came down here."

She diverted her gaze back to the news report playing on the TV. "This news! Uh… Mr. Harper… Is-Isn't he the same man… I mean, your rival? The man who tried to snatch the land deal from you!"

Christopher kept a tight eye on her, trying to read her expression for any clues to her involvement. Her shock seemed genuine, and his suspicion began to waver. Perhaps she was completely unaware of the circumstances.