Planning a vacation

Oblivious to her tension, Christopher said, "I am thinking we should go out on a vacation."

Abigail bent her neck and looked up at him, surprised.

Christopher's smile lingered on the corners of his lips. "We should go and relax somewhere with lots of greenery, fresh air, and beautiful scenery. We'll sit and take in the scenery, the sunrise and sunset, the starry sky, and listen to the sounds of crickets and fireflies. What do you think?"

Abigail couldn't help but grin. "Sounds exciting. I am in."

The notion of getting away from the rush and bustle of their daily lives and immersing themselves in the serenity of nature had unmistakable allure. It was an opportunity to relax, spend quality time together, and make memories that would be treasured for years to come.

A spark of delight danced in Christopher's eyes. "Lovely," he replied, his affectionate smile conveying his genuine happiness at her agreement.