I just want a peaceful life.

The news of Orion's turmoil and impending collapse had dominated various media outlets over the past few days. It had been a topic that had captured the attention of the business world and beyond.

The headlines screamed of internal strife and plummeting stock prices, painting a grim picture of the once-prominent company. On social media, discussions, and debates raged on, dissecting the possible causes and speculating about the outcome.

The shareholders watched in dismay as their investments dwindled, and the industry gossiped about the impending demise of the company.

Contracts continued to cancel, and deals that had once been a cornerstone of the company's success were now crumbling into oblivion. The loyal clientele that had once provided a solid foundation for Orion's growth now sought shelter elsewhere, enticed by the prospect of safer harbors in a turbulent market.