I hate her so much.

Abigail kept staring at Anastasia, who was standing by Christopher. The cruel reality of Alison's murder rushed into her mind.

Abigail's stomach tightened. Her mind, still reeling from the effects of her recent sickness, was now tangled in a web of complex emotions. Guilt, embarrassment, and a sense of vulnerability all blended together, leaving her feeling exposed and uncertain.

She wished she could run away and hide somewhere. Facing Anastaisa's serious demeanor, Abigail felt as if she were standing in front of Alison, who seemed to be accusing her of robbing her heart.

Anastasia approached the bed and sat beside Abigail, her gaze fixed on her face. "Hi, Abigail," she said softly. "How are you feeling? Are you still experiencing dizziness?"

Abigail nodded in a daze, her eyes moving to Christopher. She glanced over at Christopher, hoping he would explain why Anastasia was there.