Why can’t I remember anything?

As they broke apart for a moment, Brad suggested, "You should leave that hospital and work at our new hospital we are going to build soon." He gave her a cheeky wink. 

His smile made Anastasia smile. "That's a good idea. I'd love to work there." 

He grinned, reclaiming her lips. After a long, breathless kiss, he asked, "Will you move into my house?" His eyes sparkled with excitement, his voice dripping with anticipation.

Anastasia gazed at him with a mix of surprise and excitement. Brad had always wanted her to move into his house, but she had firmly declined that offer as she wanted to punish her sister's murderer first before she took her relationship to the next step. But now, in this moment, she felt overcome with love and gratitude.

Nodding, she smiled through tears.

Brad grinned even wider. His joy knew no bounds. In one swift movement, he swept her up in his arms, spinning her around in circles as he danced towards the bedroom.