Christopher’s diary.

A stack of folders awaited her on the worktable, and her eyes quickly found the green one that Christopher had mentioned. She snatched it up and turned to leave the room, her irritation still simmering.

But as she turned to walk out, her steps faltered. The drawer of the desk was slightly ajar, catching her attention. Instinctively, she moved closer to close it, her hand hovering over the drawer handle. However, her movements stilled when her eyes fell upon a familiar sight within the drawer—a diary.

Her heart skipped a beat as recognition dawned on her. It was the same diary she had discovered in the secret room. Memories of that day and the heart-wrenching words that Christopher had penned in remembrance of Alison flooded back to her.

The emotional weight of that moment resurfaced, stirring her curiosity about whether he was still writing about Alison after all this time.