Christopher’s surprise for Abigail.

A tender smile played on Anastasia's lips, mingling with the tears that welled in her eyes. The word "sister" resonated deeply within her, stirring up memories of Alison and the bond they shared.

She could only nod, her words momentarily caught in her throat by the emotions welling within her.

"Thank you…" Abigail hugged her.

Anastasia's arms instinctively encircled Abigail, drawing her close. She shut her eyes, relishing the connection between them.

It was a connection that went beyond mere friendship, one that spoke to the deepest parts of their souls. As they held onto each other, she realized that family wasn't always about blood – sometimes, it was about finding those who truly understood and loved us for who we were.


They broke free and looked up, their gazes meeting the smiling face of Christopher. The mirth in his eyes was infectious, and Anastasia couldn't help but smile in return, albeit a bit tearfully.