No force can separate us.

When Christopher returned home, he was met with a heartwarming sight. Abigail was resolutely attempting to treat her own wounds while seated on the bed and surrounded by the first aid kit. Her gaze lifted as he entered the room, and a bright smile illuminated her face.

"You're back so soon!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with surprise and delight.

Christopher's lips curled into a gentle smile as he settled beside her. "I couldn't stay away," he replied, his voice low and husky. "I wanted to be with you."

Together, they worked on removing the gauze from her neck, and Christopher's fingers brushed against her skin as he applied the ointment. Their eyes locked, and the connection between them was palpable.

"The wound is healing nicely," he observed, relief etched across his features. "It'll be fully recovered in just a few days."