Do you recognize the number?


The loud chime of the doorbell penetrated the early morning silence, forcing Abigail to stir uncomfortably in her slumber. She grimaced, evidently annoyed by the abrupt disturbance to her sleep. Half-awake, she mumbled under her breath, "Who has arrived now?"

Christopher roused from slumber as well. "I'll go and check," he said. "Sleep." He kissed her on the brow and got out of bed.

In her drowsy state, Abigail watched him walk out with mild curiosity. was uneasy as she wondered who had come so early in the morning. It was not usual. She perked her ears up, her senses slowly coming alive as she listened to his interactions outside their bedroom.

Though Christopher attempted to shield her from any worry, Abigail couldn't shake her unease. She instinctively grabbed an overcoat, preparing herself for an unexpected visitor so early in the morning.