Benjamin’s helplessness

Benjamin was all teary when he recounted what had happened to him and his father. Abigail sat across from him, her initial anger and disappointment replaced by deep sympathy and concern.

Benjamin's voice trembled as he continued to lay bare the torment his father had endured. "My father had a mild heart attack last year. He has been under medical care since then. Those scumbags took him from the hospital and implanted a chip in him. They have control over this chip and are causing him pain. They are threatening to kill my father if I do not comply with their demands."

Abigail could only listen, her heart heavy with empathy for the man before her. She reached out to clasp his trembling hands, silently supporting him as he poured out his pain.

"I never wanted to betray my boss," Benjamin admitted, his voice choked with emotion. "But I am helpless. They tortured him every time I refused to do what they asked me to do. I am sorry."