Stealing the sweet moments

Abigail stretched her arms above her head, yawning widely as she woke up from a peaceful slumber. She felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her, pulling her close to a broad, muscular chest. She snuggled deeper into the embrace, feeling safe and content. A soft smile graced her lips.

Christopher, his touch gentle as ever, brushed a few errant strands of hair from her face, his fingertip caressing her cheek.

"Good morning," he whispered, his words like a tender morning breeze.

"Mm…" Abigail responded with a contented hum, her voice soft and drowsy as she nuzzled even closer to him. Their bodies molded together in the cozy cocoon of their shared embrace.

He couldn't help but smile. He was always amazed by Abigail's ability to find solace in the mornings. "How long are you going to sleep? It's 8 o'clock in the morning."

Abigail, not ready to part from the warmth of their bed, answered with another sleepy murmur, "It's still early."