Why is he attempting to convict you of murder?

Christopher's faith in his staff was evident in his response. "I am not suspecting anyone. They are devoted to me and can never deceive me."

However, his unwavering trust only seemed to fuel the officer's frustration. The officer remained undeterred, his accusations intensifying.

"You claimed not to have texted Nancy. You are also saying that the people around you are trustworthy. Nice trick, Mr. Sherman. But don't think you can get away with it. Once I get the proof, you are finished."

"Instead of wasting your time here, go and find the real culprit," Brad interjected vehemently, advocating for Christopher's innocence.

"I will," the officer said in a challenging tone. He pointed his finger at Christopher and issued a stern warning to him before departing.

"Don't leave the town."

With that, he turned and briskly walked away, leaving behind an atmosphere of tension and unresolved suspicions.