Abigail’s plan to help her husband

Benjamin gritted his teeth and glared at the man who had hit him. He wished he could kill him, his heart burning with indignation. Despite the odds against him, his spirit was unbroken. He lunged at the man who had hit him, his fists clenched in rage. But he was quickly subdued, with the other masked man joining in to pin him down.

The struggle was brief, and the outcome was inevitable. Benjamin lay on the ground, defeated and helpless, as the masked men dragged him back into the house.

"Don't try to play smart," one of them snarled, his tone threatening. "Or else, you will lose your father forever." With these words, he left the room.

As the doors slammed shut, plunging the scene into darkness, Benjamin knew that he had failed. The weight of his failure hung heavy on his chest, and he had a bitter taste in his mouth. But deep within him, a spark of hope remained—a determination to find a way to save his father, no matter the cost.