Joyous celebration

Christopher returned home, his heart brimming with joy and relief after the successful meeting with Mr. Anderson. As he entered the bedroom, he was met with the sight of Abigail standing near the French window, her hair loose and cascading down her back like a golden waterfall. She wore a simple white gown, its soft fabric draping elegantly over her curves. Her eyes sparkled with warmth and affection as she greeted him with a smile.

Christopher's heart skipped a beat as he observed how the light played across her skin, casting a soft glow around her. Her beauty and grace impressed him, and he was delighted to have her in his life.

He could no longer suppress his joy and instantly embraced Abigail, lavishing her with kisses.

"Oh, Abi, you have no idea how happy I am," he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine delight. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he held her close.