Abigail surprised Christopher yet again.

Abigail's movement was swift and effortless as she put shaving cream deftly on his jawline, the aroma of the sweet scent filling the bathroom. She gently started shaving him.

Christopher watched in awe, his eyes fixed on her face as she concentrated on her task. He marveled at her skill and grace, feeling a sense of wonder at the many talents his wife possessed.

As Abigail finished shaving him, she turned him toward the mirror and stepped back, a look of satisfaction on her face. Christopher ran his fingers down his jaw, feeling the smoothness of his skin. He couldn't believe the transformation—it was as if he had been transported to a luxurious spa, with Abigail as his personal groomer.

He turned to her with a broad grin, his eyes shining with appreciation. "Wow, Abi, you're amazing. I had no idea you had this skill up your sleeve."