Lance’s intention

The tension still lingered, but Henry Harper tried to offer Lance words of encouragement.

"This plan is not successful. The next plan will succeed." He attempted to lift Lance's spirits. "Besides, Benjamin has been giving us fits lately. It's a good thing he got away before he recognized us." He reached out and firmly gripped Lance's shoulder in a reassuring gesture. "Your identity is still hidden. We can still defeat them with our next plan."

Lance's frustration and anger simmered beneath the surface. He shot a steely glance at Henry and snapped, "This isn't going to be easy. Jasper had already started sniffing after us. This is his doing. If not, Benjamin and his father wouldn't have disappeared like that."

He gritted his teeth, a mix of annoyance and helplessness coursing through him. He was convinced that Jasper had taken Benjamin and his father into hiding, away from their reach. However, Mr. Harper wasn't quite ready to concede to Lance's theory.