Have faith in your papa.

Abigail shook her head as she gently wiped her tears away, the emotional storm still visible in her eyes. "No, I am fine."

"Then what happened all of a sudden that made you so distressed?" he wondered.

The atmosphere was heavy with concern, both for Abigail's well-being and the emotional turmoil she had just experienced. Christopher was determined to understand and help her through whatever had caused her such distress.

Abigail became lost in her thoughts, the fading light of the setting sun casting a somber tone over the balcony. Elsa's hurtful words continued to reverberate in her mind, intensifying her feelings of despair. She tried to fight back her tears, but they welled up in her eyes, betraying her efforts to hold them back.

Christopher sensed her distress and reacted swiftly. He gently pulled her into a warm embrace and used his thumb to tenderly wipe her tears away, his voice tinged with concern.