Lance’s ultimatum (Part-1)

Lance's expression changed drastically, a hint of nervousness and apprehension crossing his eyes. However, Abigail's eyes sparkled with a glimmer of hope and excitement, for she knew that her father had finally arrived. She couldn't resist a subtle, triumphant curl of her lips as she observed Lance's disconcerted expression.

The once-confident and domineering figure of Lance appeared to crumble under the looming threat. Abigail recognized the seriousness of the situation and chose not to tease him any further. She was, after all, a captive in this perilous game, and she realized that discretion and caution were her best bets for survival.

In the midst of this escalating tension, Henry's frantic entrance added another layer of chaos to the scene. His breathless urgency was evident as he conveyed the alarming news, his voice trembling with fear.