An unexpected demand

Unaware of what she had on her mind, Jasper grew restless when he didn't get any response from her. He moved closer to Ella, seeking to explain the circumstances surrounding the accident. "It was raining heavily last night. The visibility was poor, and you suddenly came in front of my car."

His attempt at clarification, however, only fueled her immediate retort, a sharp and defensive response that cut through the air.

"Uh, are you trying to blame me?" She retorted instantly. "You didn't see me and hit me with your car. Are you trying to say it is my fault?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Jasper, feeling the weight of her scrutiny, gritted his teeth in frustration. Despite his attempts to diffuse the situation, Ella's pointed questions grated on his nerves. The controlled exterior he maintained threatened to crack, revealing the annoyance beneath. However, he maintained his cool, as he didn't want to drag this problem further.