Left alone at the bar.

Ella felt her cheeks flush as Jasper leaned closer to her, his warm breath caressing her ear. The ambient lighting of the club cast a soft glow on his face, accentuating the defined angles of his jawline and the depth of his gray eyes. Despite the noise and activity surrounding them, Ella focused solely on Jasper, her senses heightened by his proximity.

Ella was acutely aware of the closeness between them, the heat radiating from his body, and how his eyes seemed to bore into hers. Her composure threatened to slip away; her emotions were in turmoil.

"Smile," Jasper urged, his voice dripping with persuasion.

Without thinking, Ella obeyed, her lips curving upward in a tentative smile. The corner of Jasper's mouth twitched in response, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he returned a sly, knowing smile.