I hate you.

In the dimly lit hotel room, Ella lay in bed, enveloped in the stillness of the night. The room was a cocoon of silence, the only sound being the occasional distant rumble from the street outside.

Ella was unable to sleep, her gaze fixed on a certain point on the other wall. Her mind raced with thoughts of the events that had transpired at the club. She couldn't shake off the memory of the men's lewd comments and lascivious glances. She felt vulnerable and exposed as if she were an object to be devoured by their hunger. Her body trembled involuntarily, recalling the fear and anxiety she had experienced.

Despite her initial excitement about starting a new life in this town, Ella's courage began to wane. She realized that she might not be cut out for this kind of independence, especially if she encountered more people like those two men. The idea of navigating unknown territories and facing uncertain situations became overwhelming.