Jasper’s planning to get rid of Ella.

Half an hour had passed since they left the hotel, and now the car was navigating the busy streets of the town. Ella's thoughts raced as she watched the passing scenery, her curiosity growing with each minute. She had no idea where Jasper was taking her, and his silence only added to her unease.

She didn't dare ask the same question once again, as she feared her question would irritate him. Jasper's mood seemed perpetually grumpy, and Ella had learned to tread carefully around him. She didn't want to risk provoking him, so she kept her questions to herself, opting instead to observe him discreetly.

The car finally came to a halt in front of a large building. Ella's interest peaked. People were streaming in and out of the entrance, and she could tell that it wasn't a residential building. Her mind raced with possibilities as she stepped out of the car and followed Jasper inside.