Jasper missing Ella

Ella's facade began to crumble. Tears streamed down her face, leaving salty trails on her cheeks. She bit her lower lip, trying to stem the flow of emotion, but it was no use. Her shoulders shook with each sob, and her body wracked. But she quickly wiped her tears away.

"I won't cry. This is my chance. I can't miss it." By saying that, she tried to boost her confidence.

When Jasper returned, Ella had managed to compose herself, her expression a brittle mask of determination.

"It's time to say goodbye," she said, her voice still trembling but resolute.

Jasper's eyes searched hers, his heart yearning for her to stay, but he knew he had to let her go. It was good for both of them. With a heavy heart, he handed her a sum of money, which she initially refused.

"I don't need it."

"Keep it," he insisted, his voice low and urgent. "Call me if you need anything."