An unexpected guest

Paul smiled warmly at the guest as he approached him. "What a pleasant surprise, Jasper. I wasn't expecting you to come and see me," he said, extending his hand in greeting. "Tell me, my friend, how can I help you?"

Jasper clenched his jaw, his anger rising at Paul's condescending tone. But he forced himself to remain calm, reminding himself that he was here to discuss a serious matter, not to engage in a petty squabble. He took a deep breath and shook hands with Paul, his expression stoic.

"I am here to discuss an important issue," Jasper said, his voice firm.

"I am all ears. Please take your seat." Paul sat down on a chair.

Jasper took his seat, his eyes flicking towards the two men standing by the door. Sensing his hesitation, Paul signaled his men to leave, and they exited the room, giving them privacy.

"Now you can say whatever you want," Paul said, his expression turning serious.