The confrontation

A few minutes later, Elsa finally emerged from the washroom. Her movements paused when she noticed Samuel approaching her. Her expression darkened as memories of their previous encounter flooded her mind.

That day, she had been heartbroken and humiliated. She had made the rash assumption that her savior could become her boyfriend. She had slept with him without hesitation. Little did she know, he would just be another guy to break her heart and humiliate her.

The hurt of misplaced trust and the bitter taste of betrayal flooded her thoughts, fueling her immediate aversion towards him. She tried to avoid him, hoping to sidestep any further confrontation, but Samuel stood firm, blocking her path, his determination palpable.

"Could you please move aside?" Elsa asked, avoiding eye contact with him.

But Samuel persisted, his urgency cutting through the air. "Wait for a moment," he urged, his determination unwavering. "Let's talk."