Ella’s persistent attempts to appease Jasper

"Please, at least finish the soup," Ella urged.

"I won't eat. Can't you understand?" He shouted, pushing her hand away harshly.

Ella gasped, her gaze drawn to the spilled soup on the floor. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach, and she wanted to flee immediately. But she reminded herself that she needed to calm him, as she had made a grave mistake by bringing up Paul's issue, and she was determined to make it right. She persisted, scooping up another spoonful of soup and holding it out to Jasper.

Jasper, his anger simmering dangerously close to the surface, pushed her hand away again, his voice rising in frustration. "Stop it, Ella. I won't eat. Do you hear me?"

"I am sorry," she whispered, bringing another spoonful of soup to his mouth.

"For God's sake, Ella." Jasper rolled his eyes, throwing his arms in the air. "Just leave me alone."