He is interested in you.

Ella's face fell as memories of the hardships in her uncle's house resurfaced. "Whoever approached me only wanted to exploit me," she replied with a bitter smile, recalling the men who had tried to violate her. "No one cared about my feelings. They were just interested in my body."

Elsa's heart swelled with empathy. She reached out and patted Ella's shoulder, offering what comfort she could. "You are safe here, Ella. No one can hurt you anymore."

"I know. I'm safe under Mr. Wilkinson's protection," Ella affirmed with a grateful smile.

Elsa observed the subtle shift in Ella's demeanor when Jasper's name came up, sensing the depth of admiration Ella held for him. Was it merely gratitude or something more? Unable to contain her curiosity, Elsa decided to confront it directly.

Elsa stepped closer to Ella, her eyes fixed on her face. "Do you like Jasper?" she asked.