Resolve your own issues.

As the gunmen stormed into the church, panic seized the priest. His head spun, his vision blurred, and the next moment, he collapsed onto the floor, unconscious.

Elsa's blood ran cold at the sight of her brother's menacing expression. She was terrified that Jasper would kill Samuel. She had just exchanged wedding vows and dreaded becoming a widow before even sharing a kiss with her groom.

"No, Jasper, please don't shoot," Elsa pleaded, stepping forward and shielding Samuel with her petite form.

"Move aside," Jasper yelled, his loud voice echoing off the tall walls of the church.

Despite her fear, Elsa stood her ground. She refused to let her brother hurt her husband. "I'm already married to him," she revealed, trying to calm the situation. "Please, calm down."

"Married?" Jasper scowled at her in disbelief. 

"We can talk later. Let me kiss my bride first," Samuel asserted, pulling Elsa close and kissing her passionately.