Sebastian and Ella’s meeting.

Stunned, Ella became frozen. She didn't even dare to take a long breath. 

Ella's thoughts were in disarray as she settled into the vehicle, her heart pounding wildly. 'Sebastian Hubbard wants to see me?' she wondered, her mind racing with questions. 

Why did Sebastian suddenly become interested in her? Why would he want to see her? Had Jasper told him about their relationship? Was this some kind of trap? Befuddled, she couldn't process what was happening. 

The car sped off, leaving Ella's questions unanswered. Ella was numb. She watched the passing scenery, her vision blurring as her thoughts swirled. Fear and confusion gripped her as she tried to make sense of the unexpected turn of events. Where was she being taken? What awaited her there?

Ella had hoped for an end to the troubles in her life with Jasper at her side, envisioning a future filled with happiness and peace. However, she had brushed aside the reality of Jasper's relationship with Britney.