Escape Plan

Ella awoke to a disorienting reality; her surroundings were unfamiliar and unsettling. Panic surged through her as she attempted to move, only to discover her hands and legs bound by tight restraints. Terror gripped her, and her breathing quickened as she surveyed her confined space, desperate for answers.

It wasn't the confines of a closed room or a house that enclosed her; instead, she found herself within the worn-out interior of a bus, with the walls covered in grime, rusty seats, and dirty windows.

She struggled to break free, but the knots were tight and unforgiving. The unexpected setting added to her confusion, amplifying her sense of vulnerability.

A burst of raucous laughter suddenly reverberated through the bus, startling Ella. Anxious, she strained to peek out the window and noticed four men drinking and eating. She attempted to free her hands from the rope that tied them.