Game over

Jasper let out a deep sigh, his expression filled with dismay. He was seated on the bed, his elbows resting on his knees as he rubbed his forehead. The pressing question of how long he could keep Ella safe, how long they could elude Sebastian, weighed heavily on him. Sooner or later, Sebastian would reach them. But before that, Jasper wanted to secure Ella's safety. 

He didn't care about his life and death. In this perilous field, death could happen at any time, and he had prepared himself to embrace death gracefully. However, the thought of Ella in harm's way was a burden he refused to bear. His determination to protect her surpassed the fear of his mortality, and he exactly knew whom he could ask for help at that moment. 

As he sat there, lost in thought, Ella emerged from the bathroom, looking refreshed and ready to leave. "I'm ready," she said, breaking the silence.