New beginning

As the reality of the situation set in, Britney's body began to shut down. The pain spread throughout her body, making her feel numb and heavy. 

"Ah." A cry escaped her lips, the gun slipping from her grasp. Her hand instinctively reached where the bullet hit her. Her hand trembled as she saw the glaring red blood on her fingers. She exhaled deeply, her posture sagging. 

Maria dropped the weapon and hurriedly pushed the wheelchair toward Britney. 

"I am sorry," she sobbed. 

"It's you, mommy," Britney's bitter words cut through the air. The pain weighed heavily on her, making it a struggle to speak. "You never loved me."

"No, no," Maria pleaded, her hands trembling as she tried to staunch the bleeding. "I love you. But I couldn't see you hurt your sister and father. I am so sorry."

Britney had always found it hard to understand what Maria was saying. To her surprise, she could understand each word her mother had just said. She smiled.