2: Gravity mode

The sounds of oh's and ahs, slowly reached my ears. I was blinded by a bright light as it shot me right between the eyes. I adjusted gradually. The millions of voices turned into vicious boo's. I'm standing on an unfamiliar platform, microphone at hand. My breath caught up in my throat. I turned around at lightning speed and ran of stage. I can't do this? Tears blurring my vision. I'm not supposed to be here. Where's Gray? Where's that unbearable brother of mine? I bumped into a stranger and tumbled towards the ground. "Are you okay?" The guy asked as he offered me a hand. I accepted eagerly and thanked him after he helped me to my feet. "No problem. You seem sad, will you be okay?" He asked as he wiped my tears away with the back of his thumb. "People can be rather intimidating, nasty even. I wouldn't give them much of my time if I were you. I'm Shuichi by the way… and you should totally check us out. We're up next," he told me with a broad smile. Shuichi rushed pass me with his band mates close on his heals. As they entered the spotlight, the crowd erupted in a chaotic rumble of displeasure. The crowd seems hard to please. "We're Bad Luck and we're here to rock your world," I heard how Shuichi introduced them to the audience. When the random boo's didn't subside, he concluded on a merry note: "Don't judge us just yet!" He nodded at the guys and the music flared up. I'm captivated by their sound. It's intriguing and unheard off. As the second chorus of the 'Rage Beat' blew by, I was singing along to the catchy tune. The lyrics alone are better then great. Overall it's a hundred per cent awesome. I love it!

Just like that I became an instant 'Bad Luck' fan girl. The crowd's chitter-chatters and boo-ooh's turned into an outburst of cat-callings and wolf howling's. An uproar of appreciation. By the sound, everybody enjoyed themselves. The audience absolutely loved them. "You were beyond amazing," I fan-girled when the band came my way. "Glad you enjoyed it newbie," the pink haired told me with an ear to ear grin. "Oh yeah, I've yet to introduce myself I'm Luna Rose Dragneel. It's a pleasure to meet you." I deliberately left out some personal details, not quit sure how they'll react once the truth takes flight. For all I know they're an anti-wizard clan that would burn me at the stake. I'm not very keen on that idea. Until I make my way back home, I should be extra careful. One by one, he introduced his friends to me. Hiroshi is the one with the guitar dangling from over his right shoulder. The smaller guy, who looks like he's supposed to be in school, goes by the name of Suguru. "We'll be right back, wouldn't want to miss your performance," Shuichi informed me. "You should get ready miss, you're up in 15minutes," the controller said. I looked around at the pink haired dude, but his nowhere to be seen. Just as quickly as they left, they reappeared. The dry, thirsty sensation makes my throat hurt. My rapid heartbeat speeds up at an irregular pace. I try to swallow, but it's no use. "It seems like you're going to be sick," Suguru said in a sympathetic tone. "Relax, you'll be fine. Just breathe!" Hiroshi advised with a kind smile. "Just picture the crowd naked, that way you won't feel to intimidated by their appearance," Shuichi gave his input. I stood up straight, took a deep breath and accepted the mic that's been given to me. I look down at the mic between my fingers and composed myself as I made my way onto the stage. "I'm terribly sorry about earlier. I'm Luna and I'm here for your entertainment." I was glad to hear the familiar notes to a well known song. The Joan Jett classic bounced off the walls.

The crowd went bezerk. The further I sang the more layers of clothing I peeled off. I used the stage like I would use my bedroom when the brush was used as a microphone. After the epic moment, I left the audience behind in an uproar. "I knew you could do it," Shuichi said proudly as he wrapped me in a tight embrace. "We should totally do a duet," he said with an ear to ear smile. "What do you guys think?" They nodded in agreement. I wanted to tell them that I won't be able to stay, but that will just break them to pieces. So to be polite, I agreed too.

Time flew by. At long last Shuichi finished the words for our duet. We all thought that he's never going to finish it. I mean, if he wasn't hanging out with me, or the band, he was with his boyfriend Yuki. Yuki's a romance novelist. Casually he worked on the lyrics and that's only when he happened to be in the mood. I learned to approve to his weird habits and uncharacteristic behaviour. I love him like a brother, even though I am absolutely sure that he and Natsu wouldn't get along.

One rainy Wednesday evening, after recording was done. Shuichi and I went to a diner. I ordered the first thing that caught my eye along with a strawberry milkshake. He on the other hand ordered their day's special. "I've been meaning to ask you something," I told him as we waited for the waitress to return with our food. He looked up at me and motioned that I should continue. "Do you believe in things that can't be explained by science?" I looked down at my fidgeting hands, to afraid to meet his gaze. "Are you referring to anything in particular?" "I was thinking about something more in the line of wizards and magic." I whispered. Not very keen on the idea of the bystanders hearing in which direction this conversation is moving into. "I always keep an open mind, but do tell, is this going into a specific direction because honestly you're scaring me?" His eyes pinned on my complexion. "I'm not from your time. I'm a wizard from Magnolia," I spat nervously. "Ok! Can you proof this little fantasy to be real?" He asked with a slight snicker. He doesn't believe me, but who at his right mind would. I can't blame him either. I informed him that I can proof it, but that here and now isn't the time or place to do so.


The both of us are standing in an ally outside the diner. "Before I proof to you that I'm legit, I need you to promise me that you won't freak out on me?" I asked rhetorically and held out my pinkie. He snaked his around mine and promised. I walked closer to a scorched bin that loafers use at night to keep warm from the nibbling air. Shuichi joined my side. I shoot a ball made entirely out of flames from the palm of my hand and lid the fireplace. "How did you even get here, through some kind of an invincible barrier?" He asked full of curiosity. "Through a strange black curtain which apparently appears and reappears out of nowhere," I answered him in the long run. "You mean something like that?" He asked as he pointed towards something behind me. I turned around to be greeted by the black veil. I jerked my head around and say my goodbyes to Shuichi. Yet another friend; who I'll never see again. Whose idea was it to play such a prank on me? Whoever's behind this is in for a thing or two. This isn't fair! Before I knew it the cloak opened up and swallowed me in yet again.