A surprised visit

Their hearts were heavy, even though their legs carried on. The sparkles which were in their hearts were dimming day in and day out.

Worried, lonely, and alone is what they were feeling.

They left the castle at dawn before the sun started to shine, they were out of the city.

Reaching Niva a small town near the bridge, and the third town of Rivea.

Niva was known for its best materials all over the kingdom, which were produced naturally by the locals there.

The sun started to appear, and some vendors were opening up their businesses as some were walking in the alleys.

Their horses run past very fast, living the small-town behind. Kira's heart was heavy, and it reached a time when her breathing become unbearable.

It was that something wasn't sitting right with her, and she couldn't nitpick what the feeling was. He looked back at the soldiers who were following them closely, and the man smiled at her.

"We are almost there, miladies," he said, seeing her gazing at him several times. Kira couldn't believe he had almost said the same thing for the longest time now.

"Cleo, how many times have you said that?" She bushed at him." Since we passed Niva you were saying that I even lost count of it."

"I'm not lying milady we will be there, just be a little patient," Cleo answered truthfully and lowered his head. He still remembered the ladies should reach there safely, being warned by Richy to keep them alive and treat them well.

Kira didn't ask him anymore and decided to take off quickly, passing Trina who was in front of them.

"She seems impatient," Cleo voiced out behind Trina closely.

"She is?" Trina was also frustrated, but didn't want to take it on the poor soldier. She understood Kira since the girl hadn't seen that man for a couple of weeks now.

Trina gave Cleo a small nod not to worry and rude fast towards Kira. It wasn't easy catching up with her since she was riding much faster than them.

Trina almost lost control when Kira's horse came to a stop. Seeing the open wide ground after coming out of the narrow alley, the horse starts to move at a slower pace.

"We have reached," Cleo released a sigh which was piled up in his chest.

As they entered the mining ground, they found the soldiers training outside. Some were ready with their swords when they had horses approaching and murmurs.

They were ready to attack.

"Stop?" Rye came forward when he saw the arrows aiming at them, and ordered his soldiers not to harm the two women and the soldier.

The three people didn't expect such a welcome with pointed arrows and swords. Cleo removed his badge and showed it to Rye, who was coming their way.

Rye received it and had mixed feelings about it. It was the King's seal, and only the king's loyal servants will give this badge to someone who they are important.

He looked at the two women and then back at his soldiers, "lower your weapons." He commands them, which they did without questioning him.

They saw his disturbed expression, and they wondered what he saw on the badge.

He leads them near the houses and calls for Alex first, he didn't imagine informing Rico directly that the visitors from the castle have been badly welcomed.

Alex greeted them and led them to sit on a stone outside, he didn't intend to rush them in without informing Rico about their surprise visit.

As their horses were taken to the stable, Rico appeared from the house where Drey was resting.

He was a little surprised, he didn't expect them to be here. Seeing him, Trina rushed and jumped into his hug. She thought she was not going to see him alive, seeing he could see the soldiers alert when they saw the intruders.

She had been accompanied to transport the gold, but he had never met with any of these soldiers.

They seemed trained to fight, and protect the land, the secret soldiers who were only assigned when things weren't right in a place.

And seeing them here, her heartbeat rose, and she had been expecting worse. But seeing Rico alive without wounds, she couldn't help it as tears painted his uniform.

They hold each other for a long as Rico pats her back slowly. Seeing her calming down, he released her as her gaze settled on the woman who was standing not too far from them.

Her gaze was scouting his, and he tried to lower his gaze from meeting hers, but she was unfazed.

"Where is Drey, Rico?"

The soldiers gasp, even the knights who were surrounding the room. The king didn't miss the stunned question.

"Did she just refer to the king by his name?" Amon who was near the house, couldn't help but voice out his mind.

"And don't try to lie, Rico!" Kira warned.

Even Trina was surprised by Kira's voice. So, he knew Rico would attempt to cover for Drey?

"Sir Rico!" Amon came forward and exclaimed at the whole situation.

"Stop it, Amon. It is okay."

Rico knew their knights well, they had never seen them reprimanded by a woman. So, it was just surprising to them, as he was surprised to see them here.

He looks at Cleo, who had a sorry expression." We will settle this later," he informed Cleo. It seems Jerome wasn't aware that had accompanied the ladies.

Only that small boy would be kind-hearted to help the ladies. He had ordered him after being pushed into a corner.

He stares at the two women and when his gaze settles on Trina, he already knew who was the mastermind.

Trina had a blank expression, and she smirked at Rico, "if you want to settle scores, let it be with me, but leave the poor people out of this," she warned him.

The soldiers have never seen Sir Rico this tongue-tied. It was a little interesting seeing their superiors lose words and followed instructions.

Rico was hopeless.

He signaled Kira to follow him inside as Trina tugged along.

Kira rushed to the man on the bed and hugged him. He was pale, much paler than her." What happened to him?"

"He was stabbed with a poisonous sword," Rico replied.

"For how long has she been like this?" She held his hand and at least his blood was running normally. But still, she didn't know how long has he been suffering.

"The night after our arrival here, but he was awake yesterday and the physician said he just needs a little rest," he explained, holding Trina's waist.

Trina looked at Drey and could help but feel sad." Would he be alright?" She whispered to Rico, but Kira heard her.

"I want to be alone with him," she informed them.

"If you require a thing, Kira, please call me," Trina said as Rico escorted her out of the small house.

Kira observed Drey and removed the bangs from his forehead." Why do you like throwing yourself into trouble?"

She pulled a wet cloth and water and wiped him."So, you knew you were going on a deadly mission, that's why you tried to assure me that night?" She questions and knows whether she heard him or not.

She was drowning in tears.

Did he even think of her before endangering himself?

Kira couldn't hold the tears anymore as she let them down. She didn't know how long she had cried until she fell asleep holding his hand.