Going back

Outside was calm as only the soldiers on the guard were up, Drey proceeded to the small house which was now dark.

Drey lit one candle to see the woman on the bed sleeping liking nothing in the world matter, she hadn't even covered herself, a small smile still on her sleeping face. She seems in a nice dream. He didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

He stretches his hand to remove some hair on her face. Furthermore, he wanted to see her face bright and happy.

A knock on the door made him remove his gaze from her face. He placed the candle on the side table and walked to the door. He met with Rye, "everything is ready, Your Highness," he reported.

Not only that, but he looked at the small figure on the bed and nodded, closed the door, and walked back to the bed. He took the covers and wrap her body into them. Lifting her from the bed and carried out to the carriage waiting.

Placing her slowly in the carriage, he met his knight's and soldiers' surprised gazes, the King just carrying a woman to his carriage, was there the last thing on their thoughts.

They bowed as Rye came forward to bid them goodbye, the king's knights mounted their horses beside the two carriages. He turned back after entering the carriage and signaled them to go back, but they stood there until the carriage drove away.

The carriage was silent as he put her head on his lap, and she moved slightly before sleeping comfortably in his lap.

Going back was the longest journey he had ever gone with the carriage, but he didn't mind, he enjoyed the warmth he received from this woman.


When Kira opens her eyes, the sun was already high in the sky. She looked around and found herself on a soft bed in a large chamber. The sealing was grayish, and the place seemed dull due to only gray and black color on everything in there even the curtains.

The covers were black, and she wondered how a person has such a dull taste in a beautiful room. She removed the covers and looked around and found a door leading to the bathroom, where everything was white. The bathtub was already filled with warm water. She removed her dress and stepped into the bathtub, soaking herself in.

"This felt so good," she murmured.

As soon as she stepped out, she found two of you girls standing beside the bed. They bowed and greeted her, "good afternoon milady, His Highness sent us to prepare you before going down when you are awake".

She looked at the two girls whose heads were hanging low, was she in the castle, she had always refused him when he had asked her to come.

"What is your name?" She asked them.

"I'm Rose milady," the taller one said as the other shorter one followed, "My name is Grace milady," they introduced themselves as they placed the clothes on the bed.

"Since you have already taken your bath by yourself, please sit here milady," Rose the chatter one brought her to sit in front of a mirror. She followed her without adding another word.

They combed her hair nicely and tied it up before braiding it, she had never cared about this but when she looked up it suited her small pretty face well she liked it.

"You are a beauty milady," Grace, who has been quite commended. At least now her face had regained its colors.

She stood up when she saw them picking up the clothes, they wanted to dress her up, but she was not a princess and didn't want to wear those royal clothes.

"Can l wear something simple rather than these," she suggested politely when both of them turned to her side in surprise. Most women dream of wearing royal clothes, even though here everybody is treated equally, they can't wear royal clothes.

"But His Highness was the one who choose the outfit for you, milady," Rose voiced out as the clothes remained in her hand.

" Just find me something like the one Lady Trina sometimes wears".

They both nodded and went out to look for the desired clothes.

She had seen what Trina usually wears when she came to visit her grandfather in the mountains, just simple yet elegant.

Kira decided to look around the chamber and gasped at how magnificent it was, do they provide every guest in the castle with such a room, she wondered?

There was a knock and the two maids entered carrying clothes that look much less eye-catching than the fast ones on the list it won't draw attention.

She picks a cream color.

She was helped to wear it and felt heavier than the simple clothes she wears around, "is this what Lady Trina wears around when she goes out?" she asked, lifting it a bit, but it was heavy for her body.

Trina frequently wears this and walks around swiftly, or is it that she has been used to the royal clothes that when she wears these it's less heavy for her?

"Yes milady, these are the ones she often wears when going out of the castle to avoid getting noticed even in the market," Grace tied a lace behind her as Rose brought on new shoes for her.

Grace gave her a look to remain quiet because they couldn't find the clothes she wanted, and His Highness had refused any simple clothes she wanted.

She looked at the shoes and admired them. They were stunning, "His Highness was the one who brought them for you, but you were still asleep milady," Rose said when she saw her looking at the shoes.

"He did that??"

"Wait what time did we arrive here, and what about his bed chamber thing, is this not a guest room?"

They both looked at her in surprise, she was asleep, and she wasn't pretending, as they thought when they saw the king with a woman snuggling in his chest.

"This is the king's chamber milady," Grace managed to find her voice, she couldn't even lie her face said it all she was so clueless and clear like a glass.

"You arrive in the late morning milady all of us were working when you arrive, were you asleep milady??" Rose tried to probe more when she got a glaring warning eye from Grace.

"I …l, slept late last night and l was tired. l didn't even know how l reached here," she replied, her face turning red, how is she going to get out of this castle without the eyes of all the gossipy maids?

"Ah!" I'm done for what was he thinking carrying her in front of all these people," she screamed out aloud.

"Milady are you okay??" they both asked when she screamed out aloud they felt worried will His Highness send them away for not taking good care of his woman.

They were just lucky to be chosen by the head maid to attend to her. "Yes," she said when looking at the worried looks on the two maids when she remembered what she just did.

They release a long sigh that they didn't know they were holding, she might become their future queen, and they couldn't manage to make her sad.

"I'm sorry I was just surprised as fast but am okay now, should we go down ?" She asked them.

Before they could open the door, there was a knock and the door flew open as Richard's flushed face came to view.

He had run all the way here when he tried to control his breathing, holding his knees.

"Were you being chased by someone, Chard?" Kira asked, looking out of the door, but she no one.

"No…no!! Lady Kira l… I came to take you to the dining His Highness sent me," how can he say he was chased away to find her in five minutes the king was worried she was hungry but do not disturb her if she was not ready. She looks up to meet her glare.

'That heartless man would be his death one day,' he thought as he tore his gaze away from her face.