
"Come here, little Kira," Drey called out after they finished their meal. He led her to his private chambers and seated her in the grand King's chair. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Drey retrieved a box from under the bed, sparking Kira's curiosity.

Kira noticed the box in Drey's hand and, recognized it as the same one she had seen Richard with earlier in the tea room. Her curiosity piqued, she gazes at the beautifully adorned box with intricate designs, eager to discover what lay inside.

Drey handed the box to Kira a hint of amusement in his eyes as he observed her intrigued expression. "It is yours," he said, rolling his eyes at her awe-struck appearance. Kira placed the box on her lap and lifted the lid, her eyes growing wide at the sight before her. Inside, she found a pair of shoes from the legendary collection collections of the Queen herself.

Her eyes lit up in excitement and tears formed, and Drey was quick to gently wipe them away. After she has composed herself, he stepped back. "Thank you, Drey," said Kira eagerly waiting for the chance to try them out.

"You have a wired way of expressing your gratitude, milady," Drey whispered, as he assisted her with putting on the shoes.

Kira blushed, but then she placed a quick, affectionate kiss on his forehead. Drey smiled contentedly at the gesture.

"Now you go," Drey said, stepping aside. Kira struggled to regain her balance before finally standing tall. She took a few strides back and forth before softly speaking to herself,

"It's incredibly realistic, just like her," she swayed her hips around the room with a satisfied grin.

"Just like Queen Charlotte," he added and watched her move gracefully, as she swayed her hips around the chamber. She was so attractive, the urge to throw her on the bed and spread wide her cute legs was teasing his mind.

Kira was surprised to hear Drey mention the Legendary queen with interest. "Have you really read her stories too?" she asked, still surprised that Drey would have time to follow women's fashion. But as she considered the widespread recognition of the legendary queen's across the continent she sighed.

"Maybe, I've met or even seen her," Drey replied turning to the door.

"You have met her!" Kira exclaimed. However, what she saw was Drey's back as he walked towards the door. He said,

"You can wear these to the Lord of Niva's inauguration ceremony, or let me know if you prefer something else."

"I'll wear them!" Kira yelled, her voice echoing down the halls. Drey heard her. He wasn't even planning to take the shoes away anyway.

Later that evening, Rico and Drey stood at one of the castle balconies, sipping wine as their hands swirled the wine glasses. They noticed two large carriages entering the castle gates.

"It seems their partners are nowhere to be found," muttered Drey as Rico wore a smile. They observed as the carriages approached the entrance of the castle and the coaches disembarked to open the doors.

Suddenly, the door to the balcony swung open and Chard strode bowing deeply. He was trying to steady his breathing.

"Sir Rico, Your Highness?" he greeted. "The leaders of the merchants have arrived and are requesting an audience with you, Your Highness."

"It appears that the news spread quickly," Drey commented as he turned to Rico.

"They seemed the best people to have on our side when it comes to spreading the word," Rico said, his eyes on the two carriages as several men alighted. Rico wore a warm smile while Drey wore an innocent expression, there was a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"There's no denying it," Drey agreed, speaking in a serious tone. "They're the most successful traders across the continent after all."

Chard was struck by their strange talking. 'Are they for real?' He wondered. Drey offered a fleeting smile to his loyal servant and the boy rushed out of the balcony.

Rico and Drey ascended the remaining steps, and it appeared that Sydney had already made the guest comfort in the hall.

Drey walked in and stood at the center of the hall. The merchants promptly rose from their seats and bowed respectfully. Nonetheless, Drey noticed their looks which weren't welcoming. The animosity was written all over their faces he didn't care about it.

"Hail to Great King Drey, ruler of Rivea," they greeted him.

"Please rise, you hardworking merchants from the East," Drey greeted them and made his way to his seat. The merchants were taken aback that their origin was known. All the leaders who controlled the merchants were from the East, this was a well-kept secret known only by them.

As they gaze at the young and revered King in front of them, the merchants could only confirm the rumors they heard. His ash-colored hair, dark black eyes, towering height compared to many humans across the continent, muscular physique, and handsome appearance made it harder to believe him as the rumored "Ruthless King Cobra."

"What brings the leaders of the merchants to my humble castle this late hour?" asked the King. "Surely the merchants can't afford a room for the night!" Mocked the King who wore a harmless smile.

The merchants had the urge to flee and destroy the King's innocent facade, he was genuinely suggesting that they were seeking shelter at his castle. For Free!!

"No, Your Highness," spoke one of the merchants as he rose to his feet his was tall but not as Drey. "We are here to inquire about the disappearance of two of our merchant friends from the convoy a few days ago."

"Yes, Your Highness," chimed in another merchant from the far left he said. "We were informed by the guards that they were taken by your special soldiers." As he spoke murmurs of discontent began to spread throughout the room. Drey cast a glance at Rico who was also looking at him. For a moment their eyes conveyed a silent message before they both refocused on the seven leaders seated in the hall.

"What if someone was impersonating my special soldiers?" Drey queried. "As this is the season of trade fare, it might not be impossible for some to do so." He too wanted the two missing merchants to be found quickly so they could conclude their business and depart from Rivea.

"However, the guards were certain they were, your special soldiers, King Drey." They spoke in unison, their gaze fixed on the young ruler of this Kingdom.