She is gone!

The journey back without one of their own was long and desolate, with a dark and ominous night casting a shadow over their thought. The pervasive sense of worry hung in the air and the absence of Drey was a constant reminder of their loss.

As Jerome gazed at the empty seat, a single tear in his eyes, a testament to the deep emotional pain he felt, Drey had never failed them even once but keeping one single person safe they have failed.

While he had wished for Drey's return now he wasn't sure if he even wanted him back anymore.

Upon arriving at the castle, they made their way quietly to their respective chambers. Despite their exhaustion, sleep evade them, and they lay awake in bed, consumed by their thoughts. It was in this state that Jerome eventually emerged from his room only to find Rico standing on the rooftop gazing into the vast darkness.

Jerome broke the silence as the dawn drew near, "You've returned," he said, recalling that Rico had left with the knights in pursuit of the carriage that had taken Kira away.

Rico's response was solemn, "Yes, she's gone, Jerome." He closed his eyes.

Concerned etched his face he asked, not opening his eyes, "And how's Trina? Has she been resting well?" Rico was uncertain about his younger brother's ability to care for her after leaving her in his care.

"Elder Leah has been keeping watch over her," Jerome replied hoping that would ease his worries, Trina had crying ever since she had picked up Kira's purse laying on the ground.

Rico hung his head low and spoke with a heavy heart. "We have failed him, Jerome."

Jerome could detect the pain in Rico's tone and it hurt him deeply to see him break down like this. He embraced him tightly offering comfort for a while in this distressing moment, "Let's just hope Kira is safe."

"He will kill all of them, they don't know how much she meant to him. He wouldn't mind setting the world on fire when he is angered, but since they have pike his wound and get him hurt, they are going down one after the other," Rico said.

Jerome shivered it is not as if he hadn't seen Drey's change of demeanor, "They could have opted for someone else," he remarked sadly, as tension build-up on his body.


In a dimly lit room, a small ray of twilight managed through the luxury window. Kira yawned and tried to stretch her body but she realized she had been tied to the chair.

"Ms. Simpson, you're finally awake," a woman's voice echoed through the room as Kira struggled to locate its source. " You must be a heavy sleeper I thought I had only hit you lightly and you would awaken after a few hours but you have been sleeping for days." The woman exclaimed in astonishment.

While she knew she hadn't been sleeping well, she hadn't anticipated the extent of her sleep deprivation.

Kira followed the sound of the voice until the woman who had abducted her from the party appeared in the line of sight. She observed the woman closely as she sat staring back at her, her face betraying a sense of irritation. It was evident that she had been waiting for Kira to awaken for some time.

The woman contemplated striking her but the severe caution she had been given held her back. Despite her earlier thoughts upon closer examination, the girl appeared unremarkable in comparison to herself. With a contemptuous expression, she approached the girl.

Kira looked at the woman and notice the marks on her face it seems their previous altercation, realizing her struggle had not been in vain.

The woman drew closer to Kira warning her that the scratches she had inflicted would not save her from harm.

With a sardonic smile, Kira whispered in the woman's face, "That is exactly what women like you deserve."

Kira tested the metallic tang of her own blood as the woman's heavy slap landed squarely on her cheek. Unlike Anna's slap, this one left five distinct fingerprints on her left cheek.

Though she hung her head for a moment, Kira quickly shook her off hair and met the woman's gaze with a defiant smirk. "That doesn't feel like a woman's hand to me," she taunted, provoking the woman further.

The woman's hand hung in the air poised to deliver a second slap, but it never landed. Kira looked up to find a man's face in front of her. His deep voice commanded the situation.

"That's enough, Sue," he said calmly, his presence defusing the tension in the air.

He turned to the lady tied on the chair, "Kira Simpson," he called out when Kira flared if not for the ropes she could have torn him apart.

"Why is everybody calling me Simpson?" Kira yelled before the man could continue.

The man was unfazed by her outburst and continue, "Would you rather be called out by the King's name? Do you now believe you are a member of the Rivea or Rosario families?" His words were delivered with a calm demeanor, but the underlying rebuke was evident.

Kira grits her teeth and observes the man with a sly smile, revealing her cat-like teeth. Though she had never met the two before, she sensed they knew a great deal about her. But she knew they were kidnappers just like Anna and Cyph. She studied the couple for a moment but her attention was brought back by the man, as he spoke.

"It seems your lover is invisible," he observes keenly causing Kira's gaze to turn to the girl beside him. The man seemed to catch his own words and chuckled to himself as if amused by his own slip.

Kira expressed her surprise, "Wait, am I still in Rivea?" Her astonishment was apparent on her face as she looked between the two people standing in front of her.

The man gave Sue a look of disdain, and Sue responded with a smirk. "Actually, we're so not different," Sue said to the man, seemingly unbothered by his disapproving look.

The man clenched his fist and threaten. "Don't compare yourself, to me Sue. Your ranking in the organization is lower than anyone else's."

Sue let out a loud chuckle before responding, "We'll, James if you think, your position is higher than mine, why didn't they let you go with Cyph instead?"

The tension between the two was palpable, and Kira couldn't help but feel like she was caught in the middle of something. She silently wished she could be somewhere, anywhere else, but there.

James shot back at Sue, his smile smug, "Do you really think they'll let you off the hook for leaving Cyph behind? You're just as responsible for us being stuck in this Kingdom."

Sue's expression darkened, and she retorted, "You are in no position to judge me, James. Don't forget I have my own allies in this organization. And I'm sure they have plans for you too."

Kira watched the exchange with growing unease, feeling like she was watching a power struggle between the two individuals with conflicting agendas. She wonders if she could find a way to extricate from the situation without being caught in the crossfire.